The Hound-Master

The Evergrove Druid has told you that the final thing you must do is to slay Baelmon the Hound-Master. Afterward, return to Evergrove in the Blade's Edge Mountains, and inform Wildlord Antelarion of your success.

Baelmon the Hound-Master must die! He maintains the ritual that keeps the portal functioning.$B$BThe Death's Door portal is located at the north end of the canyon. When you find it, you will find Baelmon.$B$BYou're going to need help on this one, so take this wand. When you battle the Hound-Master, use it and a couple of my friends will come to your aid.$B$BAfter you have defeated Baelmon, return to Wildlord Antelarion.$B$BAnd, $N, thank you for all that you've gone through for us here.



It is over then? Has the danger at Death's Door been averted?

You are truly an amazing $R! If I thought that we were indebted to you before, then now there is simply no way in which we could ever repay you.$B$BBut we'll give it a try. Thank you, $Ghero:heroine; of Evergrove!


You will also receive:

11 Gold
70 Silver
22 Gold
47 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 17950 experience
  • 500 reputation with Cenarion Expedition