Fierce Enemies

Warden Moi'bff Jill at Telaar wants you to obtain 10 Obsidian Warbeads from the various ogres that inhabit Nagrand.

If you seek to prove your loyalty to us, there is no better way than to fight against our enemies.$B$BOf these, there are none that can match the ogres in strength and fierceness. Bring me the warbeads they wear around their necks as proof of their demise and I'll let the others know of your prowess.



Well, $N? Are you all talk or do you have something to show me?

You're starting to prove your worth as an ally and combatant. Keep up the good work.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11650 experience
  • 500 reputation with Kurenai
Quest Item Drops