A Fate Worse Than Death

Kill 10 Mageslayers and 10 Mana Seekers and return to Custodian Dieworth at Kirin'Var Village.

After the blood elves leveled Kirin'Var Village, they started the construction of a large building to the northwest. Without the expertise of the archmage, we can't say for certain what's going on there.$B$BOne thing is clear, though. The blood elf activities have unleashed a tide of ravenous mana elementals on the village. They seem drawn to the ruins of Wizard Row, wreaking further destruction. We cannot permit this to continue.



Have you managed to clear out some of the mana creatures from the village ruins?

$B$BI can already see the next wave coming over the horizon. Culling them will work for the time being, but more permanent measures are needed.


You will also receive:

3 Gold
90 Silver
11 Gold
10 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12000 experience