
Find the Black Guard Swordsmith in Stratholme and destroy him. Recover the Insignia of the Black Guard and return to Seril Scourgebane.

If I am short with you, it is for a reason. The plans for the creation of the great blade, Corruption, have been stolen by the Black Guard: Elite skeletal units of Baron Rivendare.$B$BYes, Baron Rivendare of Stratholme.$B$BThe Black Guard swordsmith now guards those plans with his... undeath.$B$BSlay him and return proof of this deed and I shall grant you the knowledge required to create a blazing rapier!


Have you forgotten what it is that you were tasked with, $N?

It should be obvious that a sword is always the best choice.


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 14500 experience
Quest Item Drops